Pentest Report
Standardized Pentest Reporting
When you book your pentest with PentestHero Marketplace, you can trust you’ll always get the same high-quality report with everything you need for compliance, remediation, & internal management.
Our digital delivery via the pentest platform also means you’ll have clear oversight of vulnerabilities, risks, and compliance needs.
Pentest Report
We work with diverse pentest and cybersecurity partners. Therefore, your final report will depend on your partner. However, we strive to deliver our pentest reports within the following guidelines.
Management Summary
You get clear oversight of the pentest and vulnerability findings in non-technical language. This section of the report is ideal for management and non-technical stakeholders who need an overview of information.
Pentest Overview
The management summary offers a brief overview of the full pentest, to keep management and stakeholders in-the-know.
Risk Management
See which assets are impacted, relevant criticality, and how vulnerability findings impact risk as a whole.
Finance and Budgeting
Share management summaries with stakeholders responsible for budgeting for future pentests and for remediation.
Technical Summary
A full list of findings including risk mapping, for technical readers.
Report Card
Get a full overview of found vulnerabilities, mapped by criticality, and to assets, for a full risk report card for your organization.
CVSS Scoring
See CVSS scoring to ensure you always have a way to assess criticality and to prioritize fixes – so devs know where to start.
This section includes a full list of findings without added technical details, for easier reference and management.
See a full list of scope, pentest details, checklists used, etc. as part of the pentest report.
Pentest Scope
This includes assets checked, the attention payed to each asset, and full details about what was checked and why.
See who is pentesting your application inside yoru pentest team, and contact them after the fact for help with remediation.
Get insight into tooling, source, and approach for the pentest – for transparency, and to enable finding replication.
Meet compliance needs with compliance requirements built into the report. If you’re testing for audit purposes, your pentester will add a relevant section to your report to help you pass the audit.
Frameworks Used
See relevant compliance frameworks used during the pentest so you can easily decide what to show the auditor.
Vulnerability Mapping
Vulnerabilities are mapped to your compliance framework, so the report automatically shows how findings fit into compliance.
Show compliance with a full checklist of tasks and assessments performed during the pentest for better transparency during the audit.
Get a full list of vulnerability findings, complete with tickets, replication data, remediation advice, and general information.
Finding Data
Get in depth information on a vulnerability finding including CVSS scores, general information, and CVE listing.
Remediation Tips
If your pentester has suggestions to remediate a vulnerability, they provide it as part of the report, linked to the relevant finding.
Proof of Findings
Pentesters share screenshots, source, and attack paths to show proof of findigns whenever possible to simplify your path to remediation.
Request a Free Sample Report
Request a free sample report to see how PentestHero delivers pentest reports. We can also onboard you to our platform, where you can see and interact with sample findings as tickets, compliance data, and the full pentest report.
Need a pentest? Contact us for a consultation
PentestHero’s team of pentesters are experts in cyber security, ranging from simple websites to complex infrastructure or applets. Contact us to learn more about how we can help secure your application.
Any questions?
We are here to help
What is a Pentest-as-a-Service
Pentest-as-a-Service combines human expertise and insight with the convenience of cloud apps and findings-as-tickets. We organize pentests in our cloud platform, Cyver Core, and deliver pentest reports with tickets, so developers and compliance officers can remediate right away. Plus, we offer free insight tooling, so you can see remediation times, risk profiles, and even areas of risk.
When Can You Start?
In most cases, you can start your pentest within 2 weeks. In some cases, a pentester can finalize and deliver your pentest during that time. However, pentest duration depends on the scope of the pentest, your assets, and environments, and the team you're working with.
PentestHero leverages a network of pentesters, allowing us to quicly scale to meet demand. When you need expert pentesters, we can help, and quickly. If you want a quote based on your specific needs and assets, book a demo now for a one-on-one conversation.
How Much Do You Charge for a Pentest?
PentestHero uses a credit system to charge a flat rate for our pentests. That means costs are always transparent and you always know what you're paying for, no matter which pentest firm you work with. Currently, we charge €329 per pentest credit. Pentests range from 2 credits for a simple 1-website test to well over 40 credits for a large and complex system. Visit our pricing page for more information.
What Does the Platform Look Like?
Visit our How it Works page to see PentestHero in action. Or, schedule a demo to see it live. Our platform, PentestHero Core, allows you to onboard your full team, assign responsibilities, and see findings results in real time. When your pentester delivers the report, you can export it to a PDF or process it as tickets, linked to tooling like Jira, for faster remediation.